Censorship reaction
This is a very interesting topic and it is one that I believe is intimidating to future English teachers. We have so much competition out there that once we have a job we will try our best to be successful at our careers. Throughout our college years we have been exposed to many forms of literature and we know what is good for students to read. Although we know what is interesting, others may argue that a specific novel portrays something bad, as praising it, in the students’ eyes. I think it is ridiculous for people to raise concern over a novel, especially the classics, for the well-being of their kids. Now I do not think it is appropriate to teach novels with excessive swearing, sexual relations, or drugs but we cannot hide these ideas completely from teenagers. If a novel has been taught for decades, then what is the problem with teaching it today? The people who argue against these novels were probably taught them and they turned out okay, so why shouldn’t their kids be taught these issues. It is unfair to cover up issues that are happening in the real world. High school students are not so naïve that they do not know what is going on in the world around them. If they are experiencing these challenges as soon as the bell rings when school gets out, why shouldn’t they be educated on how to deal with particular problems? It will be so much better, when they are faced with a problem, that they have an idea as to how to fix it. Teaching such topics in schools will inform them of the many approaches they can take to get out of their predicament. I am a strong believer that students should be exposed to certain issues but parents and faculty members may have other views. I know I will be worried when I am asked to teach specific novels because of the fact it could jeopardize my career. Censorship is a concern I will have, but it is one that I believe students should be exposed to, to a certain extent.
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