The mass media is very interesting because the news is available to us in many different forms. We can easily turn on a television, computer, or grab the nearest newspaper and we can find out what is going on in the world. I know these tools are very useful for teachers and it is something I feel is very important to explore with your students. These tools are so great that it will make the classroom much more exciting because there is so many new ideas to learn. The only part that I feel can be very detrimental about all of this are the facts behind the writings. Anyone is able to post some ideas on the internet and if your students come across alot of nonsense then they may believe some of it. I think you have to be very observant when allowing students to explore all these new ways of technology and ideas relating to the mass media. If some student comes across a bunch of nonsense writing and they believe it, this could cause them some great confusion. So it is always good for the teacher to investigate specific websites that they want their students to visit when researching ideas about a certain topic. I do not want my students to read about something that is completely unreal and then they become very uncertain and confused about the entire idea. So I have to say that the mass media is extremely beneficial in ways to enhancing the learning in classrooms but I also feel is has to be used in moderation. We do not want our students to believe everything that is said or read from the mass media.
7:36 AM
7:36 AM
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